Et si on verdissait les ports français?

« Fixer le cap » : c’est l’ambition de la nouvelle stratégie nationale portuaire, qui s’inscrit dans le plan de relance français, afin de (re)positionner les ports relance économique et de la transition écologique. Parce que demain il n’y aura qu’une croissance: La croissance Verte Bleue La France c’est plus de 20 000 kilomètres de côtes, […]

Decarbonising Energy: Repurposing and Recycling End-of-Life Batteries

Batteries can contribute to sustainable development and climate change mitigation. But they require major changes in the value chain, from materials sourcing to end-of-life management. Europe aims to build a sustainable internal battery value chain, creating business opportunities and addressing environmental concerns through circular approaches, recycling, and repurposing.

Towards a Sustainable European Battery Value Chain

European clean energy transition regulations foster a competitive and sustainable battery industry. The EU’s new Batteries Regulation aims to modernize battery life-extension, waste collection, and material recovery while reducing hazardous substances. Europe’s electric vehicle market is growing, with legislative frameworks and the European Battery Alliance driving a sustainable value chain, focusing on raw materials, recycling, and workforce development.

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