Our Mission

Did you know that...


… we have less than 8 years left in our global “carbon budget” that gives two-thirds chance of staying under the critical threshold of 1.5°C of global warming. 

Bn tons of waste
… we produce 1.63 bn tons of non-recycled or non-composted waste per year. This is the equivalent to the weight of 44,500 Eiffel Towers
… we would need 3 earths to sustain the global economy, if everyone on the planet consumed like the average European

Mission statement

We embed environmental sustainability into daily business operations and product designs so that companies can successfully operate within the planeraty boundaries

Circular Economy

What is the Circular Economy?

A take-make-dispose attitude can no longer be absorbed by  our planet. We cannot afford to further exploit the finite natural resources to meet infinite needs.

All of us, ​employees & citizens, public & private institutions, companies & households, ​have the responsibility to contribute​.

The Circular Economy allows us to look beyond a disposable mindset. It provides us with the tools to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss, by reducing GHG emissions, revalorising waste and relieving the pressure on natural resources.


Recycling Economy

Circular Economy

Why does it matter for your business?

Circularity helps industries to be well prepared for the supply shocks and increasing costs of raw materials. It helps a business in positively contributing towards combatting climate change by reducing its resource intensity to 0.

Meanwhile, increasingly stringent legal policies  in the EU as well as changing consumer patterns accelerate the push towards a more sustainable world . A circular economy is therefore more than just a move towards increased recycling, it’s a framework that redefines the daily operations of industries towards a climate-neutral future.

Our Approach

Building on an engineering framework & a science-based methodology

For companies who want to explore opportunities to increase their environmental sustainability performance we co-develop and embed those solutions, with at the core of it our 10R Framework, inspired by research from the University of Utrecht.

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